unfourtunately i have a really bad handwriting, i also like the idea of instead of having to carry and organize alot of paper work, i would just have one pad to do all my work in ,which would be easier to carry around.Another plus would be on long page calculations i could propably use the pinch function to either zoom out of the page or zoom in on a part I want to look at .The galaxy note 10.1 tab also has a dual screen future which might be helpful at times though I would be utilising it fullscreen predominantly.
I 'm gonna also see if my potential work places will allow me to carry one around the facilty, i would like to utilise one as a tool , but sometiems they can get picky about the security as they don't allow people to take pictures.
The abilty to walk around with all my notes in my hand, refference materials, and the abilty to perform calculations right there and then on one pad would be amazing.
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