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winwithwayne Blog

Why does the media ignore Wayne Winsley?

Why is the media so one sided today? There are many issues on both side of the fence but when it comes to politics it is obvious they slant to the left. One example is how 2 weeks ago we were attacked AGAIN on 9/11 in Libya and this administration lied for more then a week telling us it was due to a video. I even asked congresswomen Rosa DeLauro myself as can be seen on YouTube why they lied and would not answer. media never attempted to ask any political figures why they lied to us. Wayne Winsley is being ignored by the media because they are guarding the lies of the left and do not want a true leader like Wayne Winsley. He is a man who will help let out the truth for us to know and create better foreign relations so we can deal with peace and not create a bag full of lies to tell our nation about how bad things are really going on in this nation. I can say I will challenge the media to ask him hardball questions and also ask why Rosa DeLauro why she is avoiding these debates she even said she would do but has now been hiding since. Why is the being ignored by the media? WHY?