New features are here in 0.97, and I'll show you what I could find! There's a lot more variety out there than before.
View in 1080p if possible, small details are harder to make out in 360p
New features are here in 0.97, and I'll show you what I could find! There's a lot more variety out there than before.
View in 1080p if possible, small details are harder to make out in 360p
One of my favorite programs ever made, this free little gem renders the entire known universe (more stars and planets than there are grains of sand on Earth...not an exaggeration), allowing you to visit any of them. I just had to record my sight-seeing tonight. Enjoy the scenery!
There's more to skyrim than just mindless slaughtering NPCs, and I bring you some of my photography from around Tamriel.
Butterfly in a jar.
Dinner Table
Cozy Kitchen
Moon in the Window
Dragon Mound
Vegetable Soup
Milky Way
In Solitude
Hope all you gamespotters had a good holiday \o/
And can't forget the lil' tree next to my gaming setup :D
My modding is getting a little more ambitious, this time I bring you not just more foliage like my other mods, but a fully working player home! It's a log cabin on the lake near Riverwood, and is prime beachfront property ;) Docks, boat, crafting stations, storage, cooking pots, musical instruments, and general hunter themed decorations. It's far from civilizaton, for when you need a relaxing quiet getaway from the world of dragons and sweetrolls.
After taking HTML and JavaScript, I found a love for it and being creative (probably why im addicted to mods and The Sims, etc.). Taking more web dev courses in the fall, should prove useful. Maybe I'll make a career out of it if I get good at it.
Canceled my SWTOR sub just now. Got 6 days left, not sure if ill use them much or at all, but it was a fun ride. Bioware, call me when you can get your sh!t together :cool: It was a fun ride, but the destination sucked a big one.
Made my first Skyrim mod, and apparently it's been downloadd like hotcakes!
I'm no stranger to Bethesda's creation kits, but I tried something simple and tossed it on the steam workshop to test it out, and it made the front page in a matter of minutes! Thanks to all who tried it :)
Updates will come soon, as I get busy with college, but don't worrk, more TEH FOLIAGE to come :D
Check it HERE.
Just want to thank the hardass trolls of system wars, like loosingENDS and reach3, for making my hectic college semester start off with many laughs. This has gone down in history for sure. People like them remind me why I love the internet and the PC platform so much. You've made my, year...sir(s). Gee, I must be bored...I'm typing a blog! Feels good man.
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