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For my hall of games

This year we can expect some amazing and exciting games for our consoles.

We never know if they will satisfy our hunger for gaming, or if they will change our expectations for future games.

Sure is that the agitation is enormous and almost "killing".

The Last Guardian: Guess the most anticipated game for me. We do not know much about the game, but the trailers and pictures already showed us what we can expect. "Almost pure art" or "digital poetry" wrote some reviewer for The Last Guardian. What I expect is a exactly this feeling of gaming, and hope the soundtrack will be interesting as the one from Ico.

Shadow of the Colossus and Ico remake: Both games from the same creator. Unfortunately, I did not play that much both games. I helped my brother with Shadow of the Colossus with some strategy, but that was all. Definitely gonna buy this "old" games and play trough it.

Dark Souls: Very ambitious to play this game. Demon's Soul was a hard game - heard from my friends. Already bought it, but did not play more then 1 hour. Can not say yet if I will finish the game, but for sure I will buy Dark Souls and play it (until the end :). Rumors say that this game could be more difficult then his antecessor, I do not care…I am ready for the challenge.

Final Fantasy 13-2: No idea what this game will be. Nr. 13 brought (finally) a new fight-system that gave the game some (more) dynamic. Hope 13-2 will also have a similar fight-system and be less linear.

Limbo plus: This game does not exist yet, but it would be great to play a successor.