I am not ashamed at all to say that I totally went all out with my Devil May Cry Binge for the last two months. If I wasn't playing Devil May Cry I was reading about it in my player's guide. If I wasn't reading about it, I'd be watching the animated TV series on Netflix... I love my Wii. Anyway, 35 hours later I've final finished Devil May Cry for the Playstation 2, and I am one satisfied gamer. I want to especially give praise to Shonna for buying this game for me as a Christmas gift along with the player's guide, which were both extremelyuseful. Thank you so much, and enjoy my review. I love you all.
P.S. Even though the animated series isn't always congruent with the actual games, and chronologically it doesn't make sense, I love the fact that Dante's weapons are powerless against humans. That they can only be effective against demons is just one of the many things that makes Dante so incredibly cool. Again this is not mentioned in the game, only the Animated Series.