How much is the experience really enhanced in 3-d? I have went to several 3-d movies in the last year, and although the experience is bewildering at first, after several minutes I couldn't even tell that the movies were in 3-d unless I started "looking" for the 3-d aspects. It just seems really gimmicky to me right now. In time the technology will refine and will become a standard, but that will never change my opinion that 3-d is unnecessary.
GTA 4 was definitely a huge let-down. I never once was excited to be playing it after my friend and I first put it in his 360. The story was uninspiring, and it felt as if the game was too realistic to be truly fun. I was also not a fan of Elder Scrolls 4, as I felt that the action and level-up system was far too slow-paced. MGS3 was the biggest let-down of all for me, though. The gameplay was not what I expected in an MGS game, as the whole game was completely about sneaking around. I find no fun in waiting around!
Games that I am playing right now: Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) Madden 10 (PS2, year 7 franchise) Final Fantasy IX (PS1) Pokemon Heartgold (DSi) Games that I bought but haven't yet started playing: Majora's Mask (N64) Rayman 2: The Great Escape (N64) Donkey Kong 64 (N64) Super Mario All-Stars (SNES) I've been kicking it oldschool throughout the summer and fall now.
Nothing will ever match the feeling that I had when I first played OoT. Although the game may have better graphics and an improved battle system, it will never be the same for me. The magic has been replaced with nostalgia.
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