As the summer dry spell of games came to a close, I suddenly found myself with more games than I had time for. After finishing the excellent Darksiders II, I picked up Dark Souls and Sleeping Dogs to help make the wait for Borderlands 2 a bit easier. Then I also ended up pre-ordering Torchlight 2, which also came with Torchlight for free. Thanks to Green Man Gaming sales and the cheap price of Torchlight 2, I got all of those games (Borderlands 2, Sleeping dogs, Torchlight 1/2 and Dark Souls) for about 120 bucks. Who says PC gaming is expensive?
Dark Souls
I'll start with Dark Souls, which was a game I was very much looking forwards to on PC. I was really annoyed at the developers for dropping the ball on a proper PC port, especially the lack of proper mouse and keyboard controls. As a result, I didn't even want to buy it since I didn't want to spend money on a gamepad just for one game. However I eventually I figured out a way to use my PS3 controller with my PC, and some of the other issues with the PC version were resolved by modders, so I ended up grabbing it anyways.
Sadly I can't say it is a game I enjoy. I find the whole bonfire/souls system makes it feel drawn out since you have to do so much backtracking, and the camera/lock-on system causes some real issues. I love some aspects of it; the weighty feel of the combat, the cool enemy designs and the organic level design, but I just find it frustrating and clunky mostly due to the imprecision brought about by a controller, and the small areas the early bosses are fought in (although the bosses after Capra showed signs of improvement). Such a shame the game doesn't have proper keyboard and mouse support. I made it a good ways into the game, I just killed Quelaag and have escaped from Blighttown, but my desire to continue is limited. I wrote a angry review and posted it on Gamespot, but due to GS's broken HTML I was unable to use paragraphs and as a result the review is just a great big angry wall of text.
Sleeping Dogs
Sleeping Dogs was a game that I wasn't too enthusiastic about since it looked a bit too much like Saints Row the Third in terms of structure, and I'm not a big fan of John Woo type movies, so the setting and story didn't do much for me. After a lot of praise from both critics and fans I decided to pick it up on a GMG sale and ended up enjoying it. I thought the controls felt a bit weird using a keyboard, but I appreciated the good hand-to-hand combat system, solid plot, and varied quests. It didn't light my world on fire but I'm glad I ended up playing it, although I still need to finish the story line.
Torchlight series
I bought Torchlight 2 on pre-order at the last minute since I noticed I would get the first game for free as well since I missed it when it first came out. I didn't play Torchlight 1 much because I quickly got distracted by other games, but I did enjoy what I played. I've put about 4 hours into the sequel, and although I didn't think too much of it at first, it has been growing on me and I'm starting to look forward to playing it more. I haven't had a chance to try the co-op yet, but I will in the future, and I can see that being a ton of fun. I'll give credit to the developers, this game is superbly optimized, I think it looks quite good and I'm able to run it on my laptop which has relatively low end hardware with all of the settings turned up totally smoothly, which is more than can be said for Diablo 3.
Borderlands 2
Last up is Borderlands 2, which was one of my most anticipated games of 2012 since I got a ton of playtime out of the first game. In short, the sequel while a bit conservative is very good. It takes everything that made the first game fun and improves on it. The dialogue is incredibly funny and the narrative is much more interesting. Enemy and level variety is also much improved. It won't do much to earn new fans, but for those who liked the first game this is a great sequel. I've already dumped about 35 hours into it across two characters and still play it regularly.
For my detailed thoughts check out my review.
I'll be busy in October so I won't have quite as much time to play new games, and right now it looks like I'll only be getting Dishonored, although November and December look to be packed with big releases so I'm kind of glad to have the chance to play all of the games I got in september a bit more.