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Lyrics to a song stuck in my head

i've had the same song stuck in my head for the past week or so, and i don't know how to get rid of the bloody thing. i've listened to it, listened to other songs, done everything i can think of to get rid of the damn thing. it has kinda neat lyrics, although they don't look like much reading them, it's best to listen to the song. but i'm not going to bother with that, so i'll just supply you guys with the lyrics.

the song is Power Trip, buy soundgarden, a band not many people listen to, but i bet most rock and metal fans would really enjoy if given a chance.


I want to be
A cowboy star upon the screen
Oh hey and I want to drive
My cowboy car across the scene
Oh hey and I want to write
The magazines the housewives read
And I want to be
In control of everything
I want to be king

I want to make the toys
You buy for christmas eve
Yeah and I want to be
The father of the ethnic child
Who stars on t.v.
Oh yeah and i, I want to write
The magazine the housewives read
Oh hey and I want all the leaders
Of the third world
To answer to me
I want to be king
I want to be king
So maybe now the pope
Will bow and kiss my ring
I wanna be king

if you want to listen to the song, you can probably find it by looking it up on youtube or whatever. fyi, it's kind of grunge hard rock type music.