Well, i'm a bit dazed and confused because Mafia II is the game I have been waiting for, in the back of my mind, for the last several years. Now that its here, and i've finished it, I don't know how to proceed.
guess i'll keep playing games.
All the big releases of 2010 (for me at any rate) have been either released or pushed into 2011, except for Amnesia: The Dark Descent which comes out on the 8th of September. I still think the Penumbra games are the scariest game I've ever played so i'm really looking forwards to this game by the same developers.
I'll also probably pick up Dead Rising 2 and Darksiders to keep myself entertained. Still undecided on Black Ops and Medal of Honor, although the former is looking better than MW2. There was an article in the local newspaper recently about Medal of Honor, a bunch of mothers of soldiers in Afghanistan are unhappy that the game is set in a war that is still occurring. They want it to be canceled which I find quite funny since the game is late in development. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the game comes out.
I've started playing Bad Company 2 again, and a lot of fun has returned after giving the game a break. Probably the best multiplayer game to have come out this year.
CIasses start again next Tuesday for me, and my first day will see me on campus for 11.5 hours! Tuesdays are going to be crazy for me this semester, but other than that my schedule is great and my course load should be manageable. I need to up my GPA this year so I plan to actually do textbook readings and, you know, try, which I haven't really done since I was 11 or so.
Q1 2011 is looking pretty sweet as far as game releases go, so at least I have something to look forwards to on the gaming front.