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My Five most Anticipated Games

5. Mass Effect (pc)

4. GTA 4 (pc)

3. Fallout 3

2. Farcry 2

1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R: clear sky

Mass effect looks kind of neat, so i think i'm going to get it, i've never been a big gta fan, but IV looks pretty sweet. i think i might have to give it a try. Fallout 3 is by the same company that made oblivion and morrowind, two of my favorite games ever made. i never played fallout 1 or 2, but 3 is from a first person view, one that i am more familiar with. FarCry 2 looks really cool, 50 km in size, totally open, and in africa. unfortunately it's being developed A. for the consoles and B. by Ubisoft, so us pc games might get screwed over on this one. Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl is my current favorite fps, and the sequal looks like it's going to solve the few problems the origonal has. i simply cant wait to play this game.