christ i'm bored. fresh out of ideas. well, i'm bored enough to do a top five song post, rather similar in nature to my top five albums post. oh well.
5. Black Sabbath - War Pigs
4. Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister
3. Nine Inch Nails - Only
2. Sound Garden - GUN
1. metallica - One (hey, an appropriate name for my #1 song
War Pigs, Little Sister and Only are all great songs, loved them the first time i've heard them. now, for a song to get on my top five list, it has to stay fresh for a long time. there have been songs that i fest ecstasy (yes i've done it, i know what if feels like) when i listened to, but days later got bored of them. these songs have, for the most part, been on my computer for years, and have been listened to hundreds and hundreds of times.
GUN is the newest song on my list, but i'm pretty sure it belongs there. it is a awsome song in every sense of the word, changing pace twice throughout the song, from slow, to fast, and then to slow again. really well sung, and can be listened to multiple times and still be enjoyed. One has been my favorite song ever since i first heard it a few years ago. just the gradual transition from soft and slow to hard and fast is fantastic, you hardly even notice. Ulrich, despite the fact that he's a prick really made this album great with his drumming. being a drummer, i can really appreciate the complexity of the beats in all of the albums songs, and this one in particular.