This thursday, at 7:30pm, i have my first public performance of a number of one act plays. it's been a lot of work memorizing all of my lines, and i'm confident in my acting abilities, but not in the abilities of some of the other actors in the group. one of them missed 5 rehersals, and still hasen't completly memorized her lines. lets just hope that she got her s*** together over spring break. i'll find out tommorrow. anyways, wish me luck, and i'll report back on how it went.
Update #1 - we had our last rehersal today, and it went pretty well. it seemed some of the characters that were flaking off before finally did get there s*** together, and we made it through from the start to the end with minimal problems and no interuptions. i'll report back tommorow on how it went.
Update #2 - sweet jesus almighty the show starts in less than 3 hours. i'm really bloody nervous, but i'm blaming on the MONSEROUS THING of coffee i just drank. it's not me i'm worried about, one of my group members wasn't in school today, lets hope he bloody well shows. well, i'll be back in a few hours to report how it went.
Update #3 - whew it's over. it went great, everyone remembered their lines, and we got a standing ovation at the end. it feels so damn good to get that out of the way, and better yet, it's friday and me and my friends are going to go se run fat boy run, which if it is as funny as hot fuzz or shaun of the dead, should be hilarious.