I enjoyed the recent Alpha immensely. After not really being too hyped about this game I have to say that after spending around 12 hours with it I'm completely hooked. It's probably my 2nd most anticipated game of the year now.
Shooting and hit boxes we're very good and the weapon feel was fantastic. The brief glimpse of character customization available certainly whetted my appetite and the social aspect of the "shared world" was highly enjoyable. I can honestly say I was never bored or felt alone once during the alpha. The freedom in exploring what little of the game we had access to showed the amazing potential that Destiny has.
Despite only one multi-player mode being available in alpha (zone capture ) that too was amazingly well done. Controls were snappy and shooting very accurate. All players stats and damage are also equalized before matches to make it a lot more even. A level 3 character has just as much chance of wining as a level 8.
All in all I'd say the alpha did more good than all of Destiny's marketing put together. I for one thought it looked like any other generic shooter based on what i'd seen so far until I got the chance to play it. Now myself and every other player I've spoken to who played it has absolutely loved it. I urge anyone who is undecided to just drop £5 on a pre-order and give the beta a blast. I'm confident you'll enjoy it.
... Oh and just a heads up. The comment regarding the devil walker taking forever isn't really true. If you can see on the video if you shoot in in the head you do 7 damage whereas shooting the legs get you 100 and the exposed core 250 per shot. You can also shoot out it's guns etc... so If the right tactics are used the fight lasts 5 minutes only. Just a case of bad play on GameSpot's part.
Not really bought into the hype for this as yet. Game looks very impressive though. Enemy AI need a lot of work though they seem to be cannon fodder in this footage.
Danny you are a legend on Gamespot. Bringing the real issues to light. Does it collect fingerprints? do you need big earholes? and what exactly is that ear thingy called?
On an unrelated note How do I scroll down the comments on this comment boxy thing? I can only see like 4 comments and the rest are below but I can't scroll.
5/10 seems a mite harsh given that the failings sound minimal plus I'm one of the few that enjoyed the game-play elements of Infinite. I'll still be getting this the day it's released. I'm so looking forward to visiting Rapture before the fall and meeting some old friends along the way.
I'm glad the franchise seems to be back on track after the atrocious AC3. It looks like Ubisoft have taken a lot of pointers from Farcry 3 with the new game play elements and hunting etc, and that can't be a bad thing.
Strange as the review doesn't read like a 6/10 review yet that's the score given. Recent reviews have been very inconsistent from GS. I just know I loved Arkham City so more of the same is just fine by me.
A 6 does seem a tad harsh given the footage I've seen so far. Seems like Carolyn wanted a fantastic, fresh & innovative new game but instead just got a very good one and marked it down for that. After Asylum and City it was always going to be hard to keep on pushing the gameplay without losing what you already had.
So this is next gen racing? Bit boring and not really a massive jump from current gen If you ask me. Lighting is a bit crap as well. Car models are OK but everything else is underwhelming.
I'm 100% a Sony supporter, owned PS1, PS2 and now PS3 and wouldn't even think of buying an XBone after the crap MS pulled of late but the Launch line-up for the PS4 is absolutely pathetic.
Not a single game would make me rush out and buy a console at launch. I mean come on. A generic shooter, really bad platformer and a free racing game. It's like they put so much effort into making a kick-ass console then just forgot about making games that people want to play.
Only games that are even remotely interesting are Infamous and The Order 1886 and they're not til 2014. Really screwed the pooch on this one Sony.
withe1982's comments