So i was surfing the interwebs when i came across this video right here. It was, as I can't put it any better, an epic failure at life. Firts of all I hate how he represents gamers as the stereotypical skinny and nasal-e nerd, and I would love nothing but for his face to meet my fist. Now down to the actual contents of the video. It's basically as nothing better that I can perceive as a PS3 fanboy crying about losing an exclusive. Now I would understand if it was something like "Final Fantasy is changing to an Xbawx360 exclusive." then I could understand all the whinying and crying, but it's not that big a deal YOU STILL GET TO PLAY IT. I mean is a petition really necessery, this is basically just being greedy. It's like a teacher told you to share a toy and you're throwing a temper tandrum. Just play the damn game for what it is a GAME, and not something that you can hold over Xbox360 fanboys. So thanks for reading this blog, and keep praying for a "PSWii60"
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