wmg1299 / Member

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Possible Historic Butt-Kicking

Until a few days ago I had the “Top 100 Reviewers” badge, and it brought me great joy. I have seen that some of my friends on this site have the “Top 500 Reviewers” badge, so I felt that I was in good company. Now, I have no badge and am very sad.

I don’t know where in the top 100 I was. I could’ve been number 2, or number 99 for all I know. Still, the loss of my badge, and the fact that it was not replaced by a "top 500 Reviewers" badge, means that I have just been defeated by no less than 401 people. That’s very hard to take. I assume that getting your butt kicked by that many people at once is supposed to come as a surprise.

Hopefully, this is just a temporary glitch. If not, I hereby vow to track down those 401 people and defeat them and win back my honor on this site. Of course, I might be a little busy with the new baby, but I will still eventually have my revenge. Maybe.