My new schedule is working out well so far. I have been on the deep night schedule for three days now. So far I've been able to have dinner with my wife twice and have read my son a bedtime story and tucked him in every night.
I have been able to train before work, and lift weights afterward without any interference. This is my first night off, so I'm seeing how the free time goes.
My wife and I made the deal that I would take care of my son on my nights off so that she could attempt to get a good night's sleep. My son only wakes up once or twice throughout the night, and it takes about 20 minutes to feed/change him and get him back to sleep. This leaves me with almost 7 hours on each of my days off for gaming and GS.
I now have more guilt-free gaming than ever in my life. I used to constantly feel that I was neglecting my wife/child/home by gaming too much on my days off. This lead me to only play my PS2 for maybe 3 hours a week.
I have no guilt about playing games at 3 AM when my wife and child are asleep. There's still plenty of stuff to do around the house, but it would wake my family if I finally got around to hanging shelves, and my neighbors would prefer I put off mowing the lawn until a little later.