are there any RTS that are work well on the 360
wogga15's forum posts
which way do u have your 360 lying flat or standing up
Dysnasty Warriors 5 is a very good hack and slash not much to think about here just a plain good hack and slash but the thing they are saying in the reviews is is hasent really changed much from DW 2 and 3 so if u havent played any of the normal DW games then u cant go to wrong with DW 5
Dynasty Warriors Gundam is same about the same as DW apart from u are a robot a few littke changes but doesnt have that endless hack and slash fell to it
N3: Ninety Nine Nights andOnechanbara i havent played so cant really help u 2 much with these 2 but hope i helped abit
i am looking for a good baseball and basketball games i want a sim not an arcade i already have the bigs on 360 which i love but i want a really good sim also is golden axe beast rider worth getting for the cheap
i would but i have satellite and it isnt the best but it is the best i can get and ty all for the answers
is left for dead worth it if u cant play online but can download content
i am looking for a game but i cant play on xbox live but i can download content
i like any game that is good was looking at godfather 1 or 2 seems i havent played either or left for dead
but mostly looking for a good fun game
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