What is going on here GameSpot?!?! I have always thought that GameStop was known for its unbiased reviews of games and its quality of reviewers. Maybe this was once a correct statement, atleast until I read the story from (WHICH IS INCLUDED ON TOP) I understand that people need to get paid. Advertising produces that needed income. What you did not need is the bashing which was sure to come from game lovers around the world! We use your reviews to help determine if we want to play a game. (WITH THE HELP OF DEMOS AND USER REVIEWS) Now I can produce a crappy game and buy advertising from you and the reviewer will be afraid of unemployment to give my crappy game a poor review? I hope you guys take a look at your HUGE mistake and realize that you have done us (THE CONSUMER) a great injustice, not to mention that Jeff is a senior reviewer that most of us trusted his reviews to be unbiased and a really good example of what to experience in the game. Eidos is even more at fault for forcing this decision upon you so I will not be purchasing a game by them. This issue needs to be addressed and it needs to be done sooner not later.
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