To play your other games offline all you need to do is transfer the licenses. You can only do it once a year. I used it once I trasferred all of my information to my new HDD after the migration and it worked flawless.
NES, I have the wii but mainly play old NES games on it. The only wii games I play are Tiger Woods 09 and Mario Kart Wii. Just can't find another wii game that will hold my interest for more than 10 to 15 minutes.
Thats the reason I broke down and bought a wii. My 5 year old was watching me on the 360 and wanted to play games with me. It wasn't the violence that detered me (Watch any cartoon nowadays and watch the violence that is portrayed on them... IE: Spongebob) from the 360 it was the other players online that did. Even though I wouldn't let her go online, Most games almost require online play to enjoy. It was just a pain finding a split-screen coop game that she and I could enjoy together.
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