Ok this is my take on Warcraft. Personally i like the game a lot and i have been involved in raids etc. I can see where people are coming from sayin the game dominates people's lives but i dont think its as clear cut as that. Its not like black and white, warcraft addiction is a much more varied than your either addicted or not. I really enjoy the raiding myself but of course RL has to come first and raids do not have to be completed on the night ( thats why blizz gave a week). I'm no longer playing the game as i deceided to take a month or two break before trying out the expansion but i think people have to realise Warcraft is a complex addiction due to the fact that people might be addicted to their own character or mabye they just enjoy the social aspect of the game. Well thats my ideas on the game. Feel free to accept or reject, either is cool :D
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