Bad reviews: Are they really that bad?
by wolfflame21 on Comments
Bad reviews: Are they really that bad? (first time grammar may be off) Recently Avatar: The (BAD) Game sold 5.5 million copies. My problem is what person in there right mind would get this. Actually a lot of people, many people have an OPINION and so people may still like it. In my previous post I said I liked Lost Planet 2 so anyone who is out their and likes a bad game REJOICE! First things first, A bad game could be a bad game but you may never know what experience you might have with it. I thought Lost Planet 2 would be bad but I loved it thanks to a person at GameStop who told me get it and I listened. Listen to people who have the same taste as you go online or to the store and ask. For example I asked the guy high customization, awesome story, RPG aliments and I got Lost Planet 2. Secondly, you never know what you may like or even not like. Did you ever hear about COD Modern Warfare 2? I hated it with a passion and where I live I get annoyed for it a lot of times I get "Wow you must like final fantasy" So? "HA you don't have live and don't have COD 6" So? See what I mean these people go with what I call popular gamer syndrome. This it how it happens one popular kid gets a system then a game then soon follows and a chain reaction happens like Red Dead Redemption came out and my friend got it so others followed and I said no I have my opinion and you should to. Finally, Bad games that got bad reviews most of the time isn't the companies fault. They intend to make a good game and have an idea but they never would expect it to be bad they love there art and we should to. Recently Bethesda released Rogue Warrior a VERY BAD game that is now $20.00 they never thought it be bad and we should not say anything. Another example is Final Fantasy: Dissidia (Which I own) this game got so-so reviews and personally I liked it. That is because it an omage to fans so they can see how the universe of Final Fantasy will connect. Bad games are they good or actually bad no one may ever know. But games are games and companies are companies if you like it you like don't listen to people listen to what you want the reviewers can make sense but you may never know how you could feel about this issue. Thanks for reading, Wolfflame21