wolfrage89's forum posts
But if you compile all of the cutscenes from MGS3 together, you can get a 3-hour movie...
Once again I stick with earlier statement of you have not read the books and do not know of how much information is within there pages therefore please stop spamming.
But then how does Metal Gear Solid pull off those notoriously long cutscenes?
Druggie, you have not read the books if you did you would know that halo would be a movie not a game if they tried to put in all of the information. So please start arguing in a subject you do not know. I want a simple dicussion of the novels if you have read them yes or no and if any other recommendation of novels alike not constant negative spamming please. Thank You
They didn't have to rush it, did they? If they didn't they could've put long enough cutscenes in there, given that they did make an enormous profit from the first game....After all, they could start working on a well-polished prequel after the release of Halo 3, seeing as Bungie will most likely have an unbelievable amount of money from both Microsoft and themselves...
Obiviously you dont know much about the game industry and the frustratiing deadlines they have to make and the dreams of the team and those dreams getting crushed because of those deadlines. Heres a link to show what a bungie developer thinks of halo 2.
But wouldn't it be smarter for Bungie to convert those books to scripts for Halo prequels/sequels? I mean, I like playing games, but reading books based off of a video game series comes off as obsessive...
Okay but listen they can't put all of those details in the game it a huge amount of time to create cinematics for the scenes and all Halo 2 was already rushed hence the crappy ending cinematic, so they dont have that much time. And eric nylund paints a great picture in your head for you to follow through the whole story.
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