wonderer's comments

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Are you kidding me? A 9? After buying/playing this game its a 7-8 tops. Im really disapointed by this review. When a game gets a 9 from Gamespot Ive counted on a good game experience each time that was worth my money with a polished product that set the bar, this has been the first where Ive seen a GS review so far off the mark. Final straw in my game experience was a gamebreaking bug where I respawned inside a fort I had already blown up for a quest only to be trapped inside and burned alive, reload and repeat over and over never to get out.

There's nothing innovative about this game to warrant a 9 either which I thought was a criteria to get a 9, its super clonish from its previous entries and the gameplay/story itself gets repetitive even if you haven't played a Farcry game in years. Farcry is starting to feel like Call of Duty to me in how it just changes settings but not innovating anymore. Cmon Gamespot, you can review better than that.

And being set in the US for the story? It makes the story completely ridiculous and impossible to take seriously. There's a cult out in Montana that no one in the country knows about except this Marshall and the locals? Its not hit national news at all? And you're going to arrest a cult leader with an entire militia behind him with the help of of just 4 people in a helicopter? Give me a break. And when your character escapes at the beginning, he can't just get a car, drive off to the nearest non-cult area to call for backup and just break some barriers that get in the way? And that his dispatch is somehow part of the cult hence why they never know to bring a rescue crew? Oh and of course no cell phone reception, how original. Stupid. Atleast the Farcrys that were in exotic locations had some sort of believability with that as the background.

Event IGN did a sub-9 and I usually prefer GS because they dont inflate their scores as much as IGN does.

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Can we see Moulin Rouge and the brothels...?

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AC in Africa = still use English accents