Tell me, what was the weirdest/oddest moment you have to date?
Before you tell me to mind my own business I guess I should tell you mine first, you know, to get you started =P
I have had a few odd moments actually. I think I'll list them. But before that I want to explain why I came up with this blog. You see, I was just sitting around with friends when this really electric guy came and started chatting to me. He was a friend of a friend. We were bored and weren't saying anything first (amongst us friends I mean) but then the guy said the question above and we all just had an awesome time telling stories. I cried tears a few times because I laughed so hard. =P. OK, now to the oddness.
1. As you all know I am a med student (read my first blog if you didn't know that!) so during my training I have to cut open cadavers (dead bodies). This freaks me out every time. One time I was standing with classmates and dissecting this body but today we had taken off the black bag I insisted my group kept on the head. I looked at the face at and was really creeped out and just stared at it. My friend was working on the neck of this body and pulled a tendon or muscle........this caused the head to move and look at me (I was standing to one side). I jumped back about 10 feet. My heart must have been beating at 300BPM. DAMN did that give me a fright.
2. On the train I had noticed the same girl for about 10 days on the same carriage as me. At a family party I found out that she was a relative!!!
3. On GameFAQ's I got into an argument with someone about something. The next day a friend starts to tell me how she got into an argument with "some idiot" in a chat. I asked a bit about it and eventually we got to the bottom of who it was Wonzan!!! =P
4. I once dreamt that I had received a reward for a poetry competition and was going to have a poem published.........later that week a poem I had entered into a competition LONG ago had been accepted to be printed!! I received the letter and was really shocked. I thought the poem was quite meh and I had only written it to win an Ipod Nano!! I was damn happy though! I didn't get the nano in the end. =[. Although a side effect is whoever reads the poem laughs at it e_e. So no, I'm not going to put it up!
Hmmm, I probably have more but I should do some work. I might add some later
It would be really nice to hear some of your stories! Go ahead and comment down below! =D