Ah I've been away and busy with all kinds of stuff, but now I'm back and have some time to game. My recent Game pick ups have been,
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
DeadRising 2
Halo Reach
Civ 5
I will start off with the new castlevania. The first thing I noticed was how amazing the game looks. The environments for each level are so highly detailed I sometimes find myself stop playing just to look at the stuff around me. It took a little bit of time for the story to get going and the action to flow but once it does this game shines. The combat is smooth and tight controls allow you to pull of some pretty awesome combos.
Magic has a light and dark side in this game and i feel that is all it needs to be. Light magic when turned on heals you with each attack made and adds different properties to your sub weapons. Dark magic increases you damage output and also changed the way your sub weapons work.
People have been saying oh it's just a poor mans God of War but it,s not. It might have taken some ideas from GoW but they put their own spin on things and i feel this game is a great starting point for the castlevania series to re-boot in 3D.
DeadRising 2 JEEZE! controls, controls, controls. God! this game has terrible controls its fat its clunky the addition of time running out doesnt let you just go out and kill zombies. I am not happy with this game and the main problem with the 1st one is the same in the second. There is no excuse for the controls to feel this loose. /fail deadrising 2!
Civ 5. Now not many people will play and actually enjoy civ 5.it takes about 4 hours or so on normal to complete a game and who has that kind of time? ME! I've been playign Civ games since 2 and have just loved how much more there is to think about and different ways to play the game.You can no longer build up the ****c one square army of death, religion has been removed because well it never really worked the way it should have in Civ 4. I can't really go into much detail of how everything has changed due to not many people will know what I'm talking about so I'll just say it is everything I want it to be.
Ah Halo reach, my flip flop game due jour. Some days i love reach other days i just hate it and can't play it. The single player was another great showing by bungie and a nice little message for you after you beat it. Always nce to know a Company cares thnks Bungie.
The meat of the game for 95% of everyone else is Multiplayer myself included. First off I feel there isn't enough quality maps, none of them have the same wow awesome factor that previous halo titles had. Quite a few ****c maps have been brought back like pinnicle, asylum, and Reflection. I don't want re-makes of semi ok maps I wanted brand new maps that bungie made. Side bar( recently i read a Bungie.net article and one of the lead multiplayer map designgers wishes they didn't make all the maps have to be included in single player it made it hard to make good maps and they are adding forged community maps as of today I think)
The playlists are off to a very nice start with 2 updates as of today already been added, the problem here is the arena playlist has bombed and no place for casuals to just have fun. I miss Social slayer and not having to try hard every game to have fun.
I guess that's all i have for now.
woodels Blog
What I'm Playing May 27th
by woodels on Comments
Well it's the end of May and I must say a good amount of games have gotten my attention as of late. Firstly I'll do a rundown of what I'm playing.
Alan Wake
Super Street Fighter 4
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Prince of Persia
Modnation Racers
GEEZ! that's a lot of games going at one time I know.
Most of these games seem like flavour of the month titles with the exception of SSF4.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 has pretty much taken over my tv the last few days. It's simple yet highly effective game play and platfrom genre are easy too pick up and just as fun to play for 15 minutes or a solid hour of play time. The formula hasn't changed since Mario 64, but why change what wasnt broken.
SSF4 is my fighting game I love it enough said.
Red Dead Redemption ( RDR) eh, I'm still not sold on it yet. Yes single player is fun and all but I feel horse back is just a little too barren. GTA4 driving around at least the city was alive and was fun too do. The old wild west just doesn't feel like the same thing. Multiplayer is pretty fun and keeps me comming back, Thank goodness for auto-aimless games the more you level up.
Prince of persia is my take a break because SSF4 is frustrating me game / I have 30 minutes to play. Hack and slash combat mixed with awesome free running is always a great combo. Glad there is combat back into the mix, unlike the last PoP game which was 98% free running( although some of the best free running i've ever played).
Modnation, ah where to start oh right LOADING! Yes that is my biggest problem with this game. It installs for 3.2 GIGS and the loading times are huge. Once you get into a race circuit the game is awesome, the racing is simple yet complex. Perfect mix that will make the better drivers win and the casuals can still have fun.
Well that's all I got for now, hope you enjoy my ramblings who ever happens to read it.
Halo Reach Beta
by woodels on Comments
Well I've been doing some reading on bungie.net the last few weeks and I just have to say that halo reach is going to amazing.
All the addition of armorloadouts and different game types will really push halo over the top and take down MW2. Lots of new guns that seem really balanced on either side of the game.
I'm really looking forward to playing the beta and testing all this stuff out in real time. Thenonce the finished game comes out look out MW2 your top spot will be gone.
That is all.
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