woodels / Member

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What I'm Playing May 27th

Well it's the end of May and I must say a good amount of games have gotten my attention as of late. Firstly I'll do a rundown of what I'm playing.

Alan Wake
Super Street Fighter 4
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Prince of Persia
Modnation Racers

GEEZ! that's a lot of games going at one time I know.

Most of these games seem like flavour of the month titles with the exception of SSF4.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 has pretty much taken over my tv the last few days. It's simple yet highly effective game play and platfrom genre are easy too pick up and just as fun to play for 15 minutes or a solid hour of play time. The formula hasn't changed since Mario 64, but why change what wasnt broken.

SSF4 is my fighting game I love it enough said.

Red Dead Redemption ( RDR) eh, I'm still not sold on it yet. Yes single player is fun and all but I feel horse back is just a little too barren. GTA4 driving around at least the city was alive and was fun too do. The old wild west just doesn't feel like the same thing. Multiplayer is pretty fun and keeps me comming back, Thank goodness for auto-aimless games the more you level up.

Prince of persia is my take a break because SSF4 is frustrating me game / I have 30 minutes to play. Hack and slash combat mixed with awesome free running is always a great combo. Glad there is combat back into the mix, unlike the last PoP game which was 98% free running( although some of the best free running i've ever played).

Modnation, ah where to start oh right LOADING! Yes that is my biggest problem with this game. It installs for 3.2 GIGS and the loading times are huge. Once you get into a race circuit the game is awesome, the racing is simple yet complex. Perfect mix that will make the better drivers win and the casuals can still have fun.

Well that's all I got for now, hope you enjoy my ramblings who ever happens to read it.