I just don’t see the point in buying another Just Cause 3 game to do th same thing all over again. If I want to do that all I need to do is play JC3. I really wanted to try and find some reason to buy this but can’t as to me it would just be buying JC3 again which I already have. So sadly I’ll just give this a miss and if I feel like doing some blasting, then I’ll get out JC3.
Here’s my take. I don’t enjoy MP. I like a good story. Endlessly getting killed and respawning is just so boring and makes for shallow unimmersive gameplay. But today they are selling gamers dog manure and they are willing to buy so because there are so many gamers who like eating the stuff they give us more. Nothing beats a good story with action and an end goal. Monotonously doing the same thing over and over again is madness.
No way I’m buying this cheapened trash. No story driven campaign is for $Profit nothing else. Then they just reskin it next year and resell it to the gullible.
I ending up getting it and played a few hours. I’m finding it too ‘Arkhish’. I’m looking for something that makes me feel this is a new and wonderful experience but so far I’m experiencing boredom. It just feels like Batman reskinned without the Batmobile. I’ll stick with it a bit longer but I know when a game just doesn’t pull me in it’s because it’s got nothing new for me. I feel like I’ve played this a zillion times already. Hope it gets better but don’t like the combat at all because it’s too repetitive.
Was excited for this since last year until I saw the combat. I thought ‘I’ve played this game a dozen times already but with a different skin’. This is rehashed and recycled gameplay. I don’t know if I want to pay A$99 just for new skins. Then Arkham City now New York City. Villains and puzzles in both. Is the novelty of swinging worth it? I might get it tonight but I’m not happy about lack of originality in combat.
That's unfortunate. What good's a sparrow after the game's completed. This is just way worse than Destiny 1. So it's not open world enough to include a sparrow.
@p1p3dream: Far Cry Primal. Good game but I don't want another one. I saw some of the intro to this and I think it almost identical. This is a real problem as I really wanted to buy it but talk of boring and Far Cry Primal has me headed in the other direction
@romeothebeast: Thanks. It looks great. Still seriously thinking about it. Last couple of games I played Final Fantasy 15 and Mass Effect turned out to be real letdowns.
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