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worstatPES Blog

Back with a (silenced) bang...

Well, this was dumb XD I want to know who was weird enough to count how long I was off GS for. How long was it? And who can honestly say to my face that they couldn't care less that I'm back now? Again, no more soppy posts, just gaming achievements, and stuff... I now have Vice City, so expect me to be offline for around a week, then I will become mor blog-comment active *blackleech will be perking up now :P* and, eventually, back into union and forum posting. Sorry it's been so long guys, but again tell me if you honestly couldn't care :D

(P.S On a soppy note me and a girl are getting on well again, hopes up ^_^) 

I have been away, and I will be away some more...

As you can all guess, I have been away from GS for a long time now. And I realise my inactivity doesn't make me very popular with unions and others who enjoy being commented on regularly *Blackleech I'll post on most of your blogs as a tribute soon ;)*

 And the reason is, GTAStunting has begun to take over my life. Mant people say it's the boring part of their lie, but for me it's almost as adrenaline pumping as a friday night drag - Maybe we should start bringing those back into tradition? :D - Maybe it's just because they do more forum posting than actual stunting, but never mind.

 On that point, three crews have come around in the last three months: StainlessStunters, NuclearStuntingCrew *rip off nunuc :(* and, last but not least, NeedCoursesInStunting. The latter will probably change name as we get better, but once it does it will be final.

I have been a member of all three, and, matter of fact, still am a member of two. I am still needing to film pieces for SS, whereasw NCIS I am leader, so filming for that is not a problem. If anyone would like to join any of these crews, or indeed take my slot in SS due to inactivity - what's the chances of that eh? :P - please feel free to say, and I will pass you on to the appropriate persons.

 Also - to some of your reliefs, may I say - that I vow to keep at least 20 blog posts from now on foused on games and things that happen in the. *Listens for large sighs of relief and possible applause ;)* So no more sooppy posts about the usual :D

 Again, something to keep you going: System Of A Down - Aerials

 Thanks for that guys, 



Well, this is beginning to annoy me...

Fair enough, no-one likes me. I've established that much...

But away from that, why does my union never go through? It sucks? Yes, well if you give me help I can change it a bit


Basically, could some people read this, if they are interested in being an officer of a skateboarding union leave a comment and request, then track me. If you don't track me, I can't make you members... :D

Thanks and I hope a few people actually show interest :P

I wish she could only know...

*coughs heavily, like a smoker* Did I just say that out loud?

Anyway, yesterday was becky's birthday, and I didn't know...
I'm thinking of selling some games to buy a prezzie or two for her...
Anyone give me some ideas for a present for a 13 y/o girl?
*For those who don't read my blogs much, I'm 13 NOT 22, so I am not a perve :P*

Again, I have been indulging in a spot of Halo. I like your plan Helpme, but have you ever thought about the down-sides to that plan? I mean, sitting by that teleporter leaves you free to abuse from noobs and snipers... But good plan, meet me in a server so we can test it out. I'm driving :P

So I left for a while. Nothing wrong with that. But the fact that I come back to find I only have updates from unions I'm hardly *if ever* active in *Sorry, but only a few actually grab attention, I just accept to be polite*... Why doesn't anyone like me? And don't give me that lecture, I've heard it before, and could probably recite it quicker than you with less mistakes.

A quote for the week:
The time of getting fame for your name on it's own is over. Artwork that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Fame is a by-product of doing something else. You don't go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to take a dump.


Just short and sharp this one. I GOT A NEW BANNER FOR MY SIG! Well, that went well... Just check my sig for what it is!

Atmosphere - National Disgrace

Here are the main lyrics for National Disgrace

I pledge allegiance to budweiser and free drugs
Peace to Rick James, Anna Nicole Smith, Bill Clinton and Motley Crue
And anyone else who has utilised their fifteen minutes of fame
To realise their true dereams
Of being an absolute jerk-off,
Just to keep the masses entertained
This goes out to learning from the mistakes of others

Bring it on now
Come on
I said come on
I said come on

[Verse 1]
They call me a jerk once they get to know me
But they don't stop calling
They read me well
It's no work if I was phony
I'd win a trophy
Who needs to make records when there's seeds to sell
Freak the bell, and make it all spin crooked
God please help! Too much grim to look at
Grabbed the tree by the limb and shook it
Like "Have you seen my self esteem? Where the hell'd you put it?"
Oh wait, never mind. I found it in a bottle
Drunk at the Troubadour
Talking to a model
Wrecked the rental at Santa Monica Boulevard
I was headed to the El Ray to slap a security guard

Rowdy, stubborn
Loud and arrogant
As American as apple pie and embarrassment
Package the kid's face, put it on display
Look ma!, another National Disgrace
Dumb and ignorant
Drunk and belligerent
Open up your heart y'all
Come on and let me in!
Package the kid's face, put it on display
Look ma!, another National Disgrace

[Verse 2]
The liquor gets hold of the head liver's soul
Blurry on Sixth Street and Red River Road
Last thing I remember was the Ogden Theatre
Backstage bathroom making out with all three of ya!
Kicked out of Topcats, for where I put the vomit at
Finally passed out in a laundry mat
Malnourished and topless
Slurring and obnoxious like
"Yo, we got this!"
The Zodiac Killers 'bout to rock this
Great American Music Hall
Pissin' on the Box Office
Pick apart the detail
Alcohol and females
All around the world same song
Houseton and Ludlow, Maxfish, Vampire
You pour the beer and I'll bring the satire
No prob, I'll play the part of doorknob
And make it look so good you're gonna wish that it was your job


[Verse 3]
It's all about the hangovers. And late check-outs
Maid bangin' on the door like "WAKE UP, GET OUT!"
But come on mami,
Y'all probably don't want me coming out like a zombie
Brushing teeth in the lobby
This is a carrer, not a hobby
Ain't no reason to fear what you wanna see
Hey paparazzi! Don't you wanna watch me
Quote the Fonzi
And then crash his Maserati?
Sweat pants, T-Shirt, mesh hat, blue blockers
Feeding JACK D to a room full of tenny-boppers
Howdy neighbour, take a shot for flavour
Let's debate whether or not we should punch the waiter
I'M JUST KIDDING! Let's love each other
It goesw lick, swallow, suck, in order another
Do what you like
Don't nobody care
It's a sign of succes
Only in America


I didn't cooooome, to start no trouble or hurt no-one
I'm just heeeeeere, to get drunk party and have some fun [x4]

If ayone wants more song lyrics, request them in the comments and I'll see what I can do...

It ended when it began...

Remember last wewek where I said I was going to do the weekly updates? Forget it. Scrap it. I just don't have the capability to hold information in my head for longer than two days *at most* and it does eem a little boring coming from me. But it was nice being able to let all my aggression out...

In other news, I have got an Xfire account! There you can see what I use to play Halo and San Andreas! It's great. I'm under my gamertag [sly134] instead of my group-gaming-nick-name [worstatPES]. I'm part of a clan in Halo too! Thee nameth {TG}sly{TG} if you're wondering. Yes, this is the same clan as }TG}WelshGron and TGsky and a few others...

To break some other important news, I am a HUGE cabron when it comes to personal information. I'm not 22 -sigh-, I'm 13. It's a vicious circle, I hate who I am, so I lie. I lie, so I hate myself, rinse and repeat. The same goes for help-me94364. Only he doesn't care. He just says he's twentysomething *i.e I haven't looked* to join my trend. Thanks for that, and I will keep {my} stats of the week thing running 'till someone gives a complaint.

Band of the Week: Faith No More
Song of the Week: Mos Def - Breakdown
Website of the week:
Game of the Week:Halo Combat Evolved
Friend of the week: A friend on Halo named }TG}Welshgron
Person of the Week: Another friend on Halo named xxfiress
Drink of the Week: My own concoctions *PM me if you want to know what they were...*
Food of the Week: Anything seafood-y
User of the Week: xxfiress (On Xfire, don't ask)
Girl of the week: Again, xxfiress (My life seems to revolve around her at the minute)

I'm going to take a leaf out of your book...

*Maybe this shouldn't be under News?... Oh well...*

To explain the topic title, I'm going to attempt to pickup on everyone else's success; Weekly updates/ bulletins!
"What's that?" I hear you cry. Yes, I'm going to sink into the realms of pure nonsense and have a go at this stuff...

*May as well start now...*

Well, I've had a pretty bad week. I've been tortured by many (well, helpme counts as a few... EDIT- The hurt he caused counts as a few people (that's not an insult)). The use of school era girls was twisted. I mean, using things like [And I quote] "Becky and Leah covered in custard licking each other" against my mind is VERY twisted...
Keeping out of The Red becomes difficult when all you have to help you is three 18-rated games (San Andreas, Driver Parallel Lines and Scarface, you perves!) and some Baileys... (mmm, Baileys...)(I know what you're thinking now helpme; Do I report him, or do I use Baileys against him aswell?)...

Gaming standards dropped, with the likes of Gears of War and Dead Rising falling into remission. [I don't know what that means, it just sounded cool] Halo MP servers lost players and/or some real good servers were dropped altogether. What happened to 24/7 CTF and Stunts with Arma? We may never know...

Music just got bad. Real bad. I'm not even going there...

Girls were in force, unfortunately. Even trudging the long way home through the dark, sickening back-alleys that smelt suspiciously of drugs - the ones Mama always said to avoid - resulted in women. Left, right, front, back, touch your toes. You'd still see at least one...

I've broken down three times in the last four days. Yes, I am a vulnerable little soul. Well, that's what my next-dor-neighbour said. [I said to stop thinking that] Even crying in bed at night didn't work...

On the brighter side of life, I've been reported and moderated... again... It's getting to be a bore. Open inbox. Scan topics. Some union updates. A "hello" or two. GameSpot Score Reduced. WTF is that all about? I even know who reported me...
I know someone's going to agree with the next line. Do you think that jokingly calling someone a lump of dog meat is really all that abusive? So it's going to be seen as a 'racist remark'. Do I care? No. Not at all. I am not a racist person. Never have been. Hell, going through the Book of Rights disgusted me... Apparently, the Court of Law can oversee a case of a white man sueing a black man for racism. £25,000 minimum. Black man sues a white man for racism. £~. There is no judicial law stating that the coyurts have to give a financial sum to a black man. If this is untrue, DO NOT COMMENT. Don't even try and tell me. Just be happy in the knowledge that I, Lord Headinbutt III, am wrong again. [Lord Headinbutt is my (polite) name for any member of the law, government or other 'high' body of the U.K] I have reported helpme for posting a text stating this [And I quote] Sorry got a bit overexcited, like worstatPES does when he sees the 83 Y/O woman down his road. Now who do you think has the right to complain? Oh and whilst we are on the subject, do you think GlitchSpot even read the abuse reports? To be honest, I think they just press the button beneath their finger (no different to President Bush then, is it?).

Thanks for actually making it this far, and a few stats for the week...

Band of the Week: Disturbed
Song of the Week: Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Website of the week:
Game of the Week: Line Runner (Online, see above)
Game of the Week:Halo Combat Evolved
Friend of the week: Is there such a thing as 'friends'?
Person of the Week: People should be massacred. [WAGs should respawn.]
Drink of the Week: Baileys or Ginger Beer [real jamaican]
Food of the Week: Chocolate (Spent a fiver on the stuff)
User of the Week: Princess_Peach (made my bedtimes alot more interesting (i'll leave that on open for sniping)
Girl of the week: Probably Becky (mentioned above, don't go there) or Chloe.

There you go... My festering heart opened up heart for the world's maggots to play a tune on [I should write that down...]

Damn, my union needs another charter...

As you can guess, I am setting up a union...
But I need ONE more charter. It's no fair... :cry:

Oh well, in posting this someone may just make a request for a charter position subsequently creating my union.....

P.S if you read this and already have an invite, PLEASEY PLEASE accept it. You can resign after the union starts if you want... but I wouldn't advise it...
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