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It ended when it began...

Remember last wewek where I said I was going to do the weekly updates? Forget it. Scrap it. I just don't have the capability to hold information in my head for longer than two days *at most* and it does eem a little boring coming from me. But it was nice being able to let all my aggression out...

In other news, I have got an Xfire account! There you can see what I use to play Halo and San Andreas! It's great. I'm under my gamertag [sly134] instead of my group-gaming-nick-name [worstatPES]. I'm part of a clan in Halo too! Thee nameth {TG}sly{TG} if you're wondering. Yes, this is the same clan as }TG}WelshGron and TGsky and a few others...

To break some other important news, I am a HUGE cabron when it comes to personal information. I'm not 22 -sigh-, I'm 13. It's a vicious circle, I hate who I am, so I lie. I lie, so I hate myself, rinse and repeat. The same goes for help-me94364. Only he doesn't care. He just says he's twentysomething *i.e I haven't looked* to join my trend. Thanks for that, and I will keep {my} stats of the week thing running 'till someone gives a complaint.

Band of the Week: Faith No More
Song of the Week: Mos Def - Breakdown
Website of the week:
Game of the Week:Halo Combat Evolved
Friend of the week: A friend on Halo named }TG}Welshgron
Person of the Week: Another friend on Halo named xxfiress
Drink of the Week: My own concoctions *PM me if you want to know what they were...*
Food of the Week: Anything seafood-y
User of the Week: xxfiress (On Xfire, don't ask)
Girl of the week: Again, xxfiress (My life seems to revolve around her at the minute)