Hey guys, I'm working on a little project, and I was wondering if anybody had any particularly memorable lines from any of the Worms games. Anything'll do, what worms say, lines that show up on the top of the screen, whatever.
Thanks a lot!
Hey guys, I'm working on a little project, and I was wondering if anybody had any particularly memorable lines from any of the Worms games. Anything'll do, what worms say, lines that show up on the top of the screen, whatever.
Thanks a lot!
Without a doubt, Morrowind; it's probably the only game that I can say I've spent over 200 hours with. And now, years after its release, there are numerous graphical enhancers around to bring the game's visuals up to par and add distant landscape, among other things. I'd also say that the Orange Box is a must-have, as people above have said. It's a great deal, and it's much, much better on the PC, especially since TF2 is still receiving free content upgrades every few months. Get those two games and you'll be good to go for a good while. Of course, I've left out the obvious choices, like Blizzard's pre-November 23, 2004 games, such as starcraft.
I'd also recommend Mount & Blade - it's a great niche game, but it's not necessarily for everyone. It's more or less a medieval military simulator.
Look into those, and you'll have a solid library.
Is there any way in Disgaea DS to replay story sequences on the levels that you've already beaten? Just wondering...
Well, let's look at the pros and cons of the PS3's difficult development dilemma...
Forces designers to work smarter AND harder, yielding better quality games.
Discourages amateur studios from developing games - less awful titles.
Encourages delayed releases, whether for 360/PC or PS3.
Discourages experienced studios from developing games for it - see Valve.
Restricts game selection - less titles to choose from.
Less indie titles released for the PS3 than 360/PC
Ports are often awful (Fallout 3, Orange Box)
Did I get that about right? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the PS3 being hard to develop for is bad.
Until my DS stops supporting most of the games that come out, I have no reason to get a DSi - the SD card slot is neat, but it's really only going to be used for storing pictures, which nobody needs. Don't get me wrong, the camera looks good, but I just can't ever see my self using it.
My DS keeps me occupied on the go, but you really can't beat the PC in terms of selection, graphics, and overall quality of games.
The GBA versions were easier, definitely. My main gripe with the DS version is the new battle scenes. The 3d models just look ugly compared to the sprites used for the GBA. The huge number of characters is also strange - I don't need 4 fighters on the 5th level, but that's just me.
Vieras have combos in that game that are so much better. Take, for example, a red mage/summoner...with the halve mp passive ability. Using doublecast with just about anything rocks, really. But if you had to choose, I'd go with a sniper first. The only really useful ability assassings have is their instant-kill ability, which is really only reliable if you use it with concentration as your passive ability...which makes it incredibly expensive in terms of mp.
1. The World Ends With You
2. Castlevania (take your pick)
3. Professor Layton
4. LoZ: Phantom Hourglass
5. FFTA2
I wouldn't say that the DS has N64 graphics - not even close. Just because the NDS can run games in three dimensions doesn't put it on par with the N64. I'd say that Nintendo's next handheld (if they make a next one...I wouldn't be surprised at another 'DS-i' move) would probably be capable of n64 graphics, but the DS? Not a chance. To give you an idea, the N64 had a main processor at about 94 MhZ, and a co-processor at about 64 MhZ, whereas the DS has a main CPU at 66.67 MhZ and a secondary CPU at 33 MhZ. Both systems have 4MB of RAM, though the N64 allowed a booster pack that brought it up to 8.5MB, necessary to play some games such as Majora's Mask.
So, no. Graphics are getting better, yes, but Nintendo's handhelds aren't quite keeping up with their consoles. Maybe next-gen.
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