Crash Bandicoot is dead, Naughty Dog gave him up and whoever bought him desevers to be shot for destroying him like this
wreckedexotics Blog
And another thing
by wreckedexotics on Comments
This is my yearly blog, i have been playing PROTOTYPE Assassins Creed games and inFAMOUS mainly and i must say, im impressed with all of them, I would choose AC games among all but PROTOTYPE and inFAMOUS arnt far behind, PROTOTYPE is an exceptional game and i would thorughly recommend it to anyone who doesnt mind a lot of blood, but also wants a hell of a lot of powers and an epic story line, inFAMOUS is also good, it has all the right things, and infamous 2 should add to these, but my favourite game of the year is..... Assassins Creed 2, it is unsurprassed by anything else, ever.
by wreckedexotics on Comments
I'll tell you what really grinds my gears. Prices of games when they first come out. I mean, everyone knows that the priceis going to come down yet we still buy them. Like with the sims 3 for instance, yeah sure it looks great and everything but would you pay $100 for it? And its the same with Red Alert 3. I waited and ended paying $40 for it. And that people is what really grinds my gears
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