After seeing the review for Mario Party 8, I am starting to wonder if Gamespot is overly hard on Wii games, you go and look at many games, (Heatseeker, Blazing Angels, and others) and it seems that the lowest score it got was from Gamespot. It just seems that many of the reviewers do not agree with gamers when it comes to how "good" a game is. Does any one else feel this way?
I am content with the graphics. I understand a lot of people are upset with them and that is because they are porting things over from the PS2 version. It will come in time as the old gen systems are phased out. I am very pleased with the gameplay and pricing. The graphics in Zelda were solid especially when playing on component hook-ups. I have been dissappointed with the online play. I need a headset. I am opitimistic that we will get one because DS just got one. All-in-All, I have a Xbox360 and owned every major title for that system and to be honest after playing Wii, the Xbox360 is a little boring. I only use it to meet up with friends on XboxLive. But what I really want in Wii is a Star Wars Lightsaber game.
I am content with the graphics. I understand a lot of people are upset with them and that is because they are porting things over from the PS2 version. It will come in time as the old gen systems are phased out. I am very pleased with the gameplay and pricing. The graphics in Zelda were solid especially when playing on component hook-ups. I have been dissappointed with the online play. I need a headset. I am opitimistic that we will get one because DS just got one. All-in-All, I have a Xbox360 and owned every major title for that system and to be honest after playing Wii, the Xbox360 is a little boring. I only use it to meet up with friends on XboxLive. But what I really want in Wii is a Star Wars Lightsaber game.
To be honest I am really bored with my xbox360 and the only reason I play it is to talk to friends while I am gaming. Wii needs headsets. The fact that I haven't seen anything about this is bothering me. I think the whole "friend Code" thing is silly you should be able to add one profile and game with that person whenever. I new about the friend code situation going in.
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