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Assists Are Hard

I have a heck of a time completing the assist related daily challenges, but yesterday I finally hit upon a strategy that proved somewhat effective for me. This is probably common sense, but anyway...

1. Went for all body shots with the DMR.

2. Grabbed a plasma pistol whenever I could to land overcharged shots.

3. Threw grenades into groups to soften up multiple enemies. But this is tricky as grenades can also get kills and makes it difficult to know just how much damage you've done to a given enemy.

3. Tried to stick around teammates (somebody else has to finish the kill for you to get an assist, of course.)

4. Resisted the urge to land a finishing shot on an enemy I figured I had damaged enough for an assist, unless I was fairly sure I had no teammates around. This one is a little difficult to maintain discipline...

Doing those things I would usually get at least 4 or 5 assists a match - sometimes more. When I'm not focusing on maximizing my assists I'll often get just 1 or 2 per match.

Also, it's quite a bummer that getting a wheelman medal counts as an assist in the final tally, but not as an assist medal and does not add to your total for these daily challenges. Guess that would be too easy.

Anybody have their own tips on picking up assists?

Monumental Sins

I couldn't do squat on Halo 3 Legendary difficult, so I anticipated not doing well with Reach's Legendary difficulty. But to my surprise I was able to work though every mission (some of them fairly slowly) and completed a solo Legendary run of Reach over the weekend unlocking the A Monument To All Your Sins achievement. Sweet! Felt so good to see the achievement bubble pop-up with "3 for 325"! I think the most difficult mission for me was Long Night of Solace. There were three or four sections that I got stuck on and had to replay through many times. A lot of my problem at those spots was likely due to getting trapped at a checkpoint before a tough section with bad weapons for the situation. Going up against a few elites without the noob combo locked and loaded (plasma pistol + headshot weapon) is a killer. The Pillar of Autumn was also pretty tough, but I was able to work few the tough spots by trying different approaches or keeping a plasma pistol on me. Also had a mishap on New Alexandria when I noticed I had played through 75% of the mission with a skull activated - forgot to turn it off after completing a daily challenge earlier. Then I brain-farted and turned off the skull before resuming my solo campaign, which reset me back to the beginning of the mission, but it was probably for the best as I was horribly stuck at a section where you have to fight through about a half dozen elites. I burned through the mission a 2nd time and made sure to grab a plasma pistol before hitting the tricky checkpoint and breezed through that piece the second time. If I can get through it, I'd say about anyone can. Just go slowly and if you are really stuck, watch one of the many play through videos up on youtube.

Weighted Values for Halo Reach Quit Ban

I have no clue how Bungie set up the quit ban process for Halo Reach, but I'd do something like this: 10 points over your last 30 matches before you are on the quit ban. (Levels things out among people who play just a handful of matches per day and those that are constantly in matchmaking.) If you are the: 1st to quit a match: 2 points In the first 50% of your team to quit a match (or first 50% overall in FFA): 1 point In the first 75% of your team to quit a match (or first 75% overall in FFA): 0.5 points In the last 25% of your team to quit a match (or the last 25% overall in FFA): 0 points This system would penalize the people who dump out of a game first more severely, and not penalize those who end a lame slayer match that has devolved to 1v4 with the single guy hiding in a corner.