I love Gamespot! Saved me money. Holidays with 2 kids and being disabled. Money is very low. Picked up RDR2 at a discounted price thanks to Gamespots info. Happy Holidays!
@Pyrosa: This service is $8. I will drop Netflix which is double that. Myself being a huge Star Wars fan ( original trilogy). I've read most of the books that Disney say are no longer canon. UHD already confirmed! 4k FTW! Each to their own.
@Mr_Dave: By The Nine... Jesus H Christ. What is wrong with CNET? Is there something I missed? My memory is terrible due to a Traumatic Brain Injury. Perhaps that is the reason I fail to recall anything. Assist me Brethren. What has CNET done?
I really like it so far ! Customization is awesome.It looks great in 4k.The Co-op excites me even though I'm introverted and anti-social.To each their own.
Loading times and loading frequency is killing. It looks so good, especially in 4k.I have it installed on an HD not my 970pro M.2 NVM SSD. Simply because my Steam library takes up at lot of space on the 970pro. Something has to go ! I need at least 352 gbs free. I surprisingly like this game despite being an Introvert, Anti-Social and a generally quite person. To each their own/Each to their own.
wufako's comments