A harcore gamer is one who plays alot of games in a period of time
not mini games
A harcore gamer is one who plays alot of games in a period of time
not mini games
Where is the best place to buy games online
mostly gamecube and ps2
i live in canada too
I just bought a Wii 3 days ago. I am very excited to play it. I am what you would consider perhaps a "hardcore gamer".
I cannot afford a xbox or ps3.
Therefore, bought Wii as a first.
I am having fun with SPM and Zelda atm.
I am very excited for the new games.
Kart, SSBB, Galaxy..................
Today me watched e3....................
I was very happy =) Very pleased =).......
Then they announced WiiFit.
I am not proud of Nintedo. I am not happy with the big surpise.
I am very disappointed there are no new good games that I did not already know about.
I love Mario but I am slowly being covered to Sony.
Please don't deny that Nintedo is trying to keep the old granny's playing.
I wish that there was more to the Wii. Sadly, I am forced to buy Gamecube stuffs, therefore I am entertained for the meanwhile.
I am going to convert to Xbox ASAP. I am sorry Nintendo, I am not pleased with your recent work.
I will no longer be "excited" over the next console.. You don't make games for "harcore" gamers, other than a few...
I will play the games I like, but there are few that I will enjoy. Please prevent yourself from continuing the "Momma Cooking" series or any other pathetic Mini Games that you have to offer.
im scared of spiders too very scared like if theres one in the room ill have to leave the room and im too scared to kill them
in games im not scared either they arent real
same with tv ive seen so many spider movies
only in rl im terrefied
remember they arent real in games
good luck
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