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games i havent played in a while but i played them lots long ago

one word......BATTLEFIELD!!!!...wow i spent so much time on this all of them battle field 1942, road to rome. secret weapons, battlefield vietnam, battlefield 2, battlefield 2142 i spent hundreds of hours playing these awesome games...they all deserve to be more recognized they r the bomb....lets see the other games were all the medal of honor games....those were soooo fun they were my second fav games i palyed em all and beat em all(lol i dont remember the names).....games i wanna try out is crysis and all its expansions...i wanna try out bf bc and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of wolfenstein L4D2 and COD MW2 and BF BC 2 (to compare them)

games i like

i love video games...from my point of view..xbox 360 is the bomb with better online then ps3..almost as good graphics...and wayyyy better graphics then wii...i love FPS...gears of war is a really good game good graphics good gameplay and awesome online multiplayer...resident evil 5 is good for 2 or 3 playthroughs of the campaign..then its not as fun unless ur online....lets see call of duty...best FPS series in my opinion number 4 had a short but fun campaign...kickass multiplayer....call of duty world at war...awesome campaign..could be a bit longer...online multiplayer is really good just the same as COD 4's...nazi zombies is the bomb it is sooo fun....but my top game is LEFT4DEAD....its sooo fun has good replay value...see how many zombies u can kill...survival is fun just hordes and hordes comin at u...scary sight lol....and last but definently not least versus mode...i LOVE being the hunter and smoker and boomer....it is soooo much funn to try and kill the survivors the top three games im looking forward too in the second half of this year are 1. left 4 dead 2 2.COD MW2 3.wolfenstein thanks for looking at this comment or send message if u wanna talk games