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wvjohn2006 Blog

ok, so whats new!

Well other than me moving in to a new apartment and going to summer school to graduate college, I really haven't had much time to do much video game playing. Since my last blog, I have finished Gears of War on Insane. I've seen my gamerscore go over 10,000 points and played the halo 3 beta. Plus since now Im living with my girlfriend, I've also got her xbox live account now on my 360. Speaking of 360 news, I did watch the microsoft e3 presentation and I must say I am looking forward to blowing my hard earned money on some of the titles that are coming out. I really like mass effect and also assassins creed. I am also looking forward to Call fo Duty 4 and also rock band, but that one is for me and the misses. I have my halo 3 pre-order almost paid off and can't wait to finish the fight. If any of you have seen my posting of the halo 3 e3 trailer, trust me this game might be the only reason I stay in college one more semester. Until next time kids!

game on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I got the 360 back yesterday and have been playing the halo 3 beta. While I have a few minor issues with the beta, the overall expierence has been positive. Yes I know its only a beta, but the new features, save film for example, is a great new feature. Gamepay is still the same, its freaking HALO. I have heard some negitive feedback from gamers saying that this isnt near the quality graphically as Gears of War. Like I said, its only "beta" and from what I have heard from various media outlets, Campaign is suppose to be a lot better than the beta. But in reality, I really dont care if the graphics are on par with gears. If its a blast to play, then its my game. Halo 3 is shapping up to be that type of game.

On another note, I was impressed with the repair service with 360's. it took about 2 weeks to get the situation taken care of. I also invested in another 360, this time the pro edition. I had a little problem with shipment, but its all good and it should arrive sometime next week. Well back to the 360, later!

Ok, so I got the red light of death

Ok, last week I got the red light of death.  Pretty much its a hardware issue, great now i got to send my 360 for reapairs.  So im not going to be plaing games for the foreseeable future.  I'll let you know when I get back online.  Later!

whats new with the gaming life

Well in between dealing with school and work, I have made some time for gaming. I just finished Gears of War on hardcore and now I'm working my way thought ACT II on INSANE! I also got a new account a few months back, atderaint4u, chances are your only going to see me on this account if you play HALO 2 and on occasion Gears. I also completed the challenge that xbox had for gamerscore, really stoked about that because I got a new gamerpicture and 100 Microsoft points. I love the new downloadable content you an get from xbox live, since I'm a huge fan of South Park I've downloaded a ton of episodes to my hard drive. Finally, I've decided to upgrame my gamespot membership.  I feel I got enough money now I can spend a little bit.  If you see me online with either atderaint4u or dunottuchdatrim, hit me up and we'll kick some @$$. till next time kids.

my thoughts on switching from xbox to 360

Ok: let me be the first one to say that I am not an employee of microsoft nor a shareholder although I wounldt mind being either because my broke ass needs money to fuel my addiction to 360. About two months ago I purchased a 360. now Ive been an rabid supporter of the xbox for about 3 years and I must say that switching to the 360 is the best move Ive done for my video game life. Ive played video games since the 80's, yes even before nintendo and the interface between user and console has never been so easy. Say what u want about Microsoft, we all use some microsoft product in some form of our lives from 360's in consles to windows and internet exploier for surfing to, the point is whether or not Microsoft wins the next consle wars or not, micorsoft is still going to be apart of our everyday lives and for once that isnt so bad. i also know the concerns with rising cost of videogame systems for the everyday man. Look i love videogames but when a video game system cost more than my monthly rent for my two bedrom apartment, then u got to factor is it really worth it. For the 360, and a little help from the wal-mart credit card department, I think so. Im not sure on the PS3 or the Wii, although the Wii does look sweet for $250.00. Look Im going to end this before i ramble on any futher, if you hae an xbox right now and your thinking about upgrading to a 360 in like the next 6 months, DO IT! DO IT NOW! if your a PS2 kind of guy, let me give you some advice, wait till the second round of PS3 ships out, because chances are that if you get one of the first ones, then something could go wrong and for $600.00 it better not!