my thoughts on switching from xbox to 360
by wvjohn2006 on Comments
Ok: let me be the first one to say that I am not an employee of microsoft nor a shareholder although I wounldt mind being either because my broke ass needs money to fuel my addiction to 360. About two months ago I purchased a 360. now Ive been an rabid supporter of the xbox for about 3 years and I must say that switching to the 360 is the best move Ive done for my video game life. Ive played video games since the 80's, yes even before nintendo and the interface between user and console has never been so easy. Say what u want about Microsoft, we all use some microsoft product in some form of our lives from 360's in consles to windows and internet exploier for surfing to, the point is whether or not Microsoft wins the next consle wars or not, micorsoft is still going to be apart of our everyday lives and for once that isnt so bad. i also know the concerns with rising cost of videogame systems for the everyday man. Look i love videogames but when a video game system cost more than my monthly rent for my two bedrom apartment, then u got to factor is it really worth it. For the 360, and a little help from the wal-mart credit card department, I think so. Im not sure on the PS3 or the Wii, although the Wii does look sweet for $250.00. Look Im going to end this before i ramble on any futher, if you hae an xbox right now and your thinking about upgrading to a 360 in like the next 6 months, DO IT! DO IT NOW! if your a PS2 kind of guy, let me give you some advice, wait till the second round of PS3 ships out, because chances are that if you get one of the first ones, then something could go wrong and for $600.00 it better not!