I've played the beta yesterday, and I must say I'm slightly impressed with the progress that the developers are making with the game. I think there is a few issues with this beta that can be improved upon when the final product comes out on September 25th. Graphically, I'm not totally blown away by the visuals, but that doesn't mean I'm not impressed with the progress I have seen. Gameplay, Its Halo and I've always liked the gameplay personally. If you hate the gameplay in either Halo 1 or Halo 2, chances are your going to hate the gameplay in this beta and the final product. The biggest problem I have is not with the beta, its with us, the gaming public. I've read on numerous forums around the internet that absolutely trashes Halo 3 based on this beta. Gamers, its just a beta!!!!!! Its not the end product that is going to ship in September. Yes it maybe a gateway towards what the game is going to be, but a lot can happen in like 4 months. Do I think the game is over-hyped, hell yes I do, but thats Microsoft for ya, everything that Microsoft has done in the past 10 years has been over-hyped. Are there going to be games that are going to be better than Halo 3, More than likely there will be, and the reason I say that is because we all aren't going to like the same game. People are going to like Killzone better than Halo, maybe people are going to like Bioshock more than Halo. Will everybody fall in love with this product when it come out, No! But thats the point, we all have different opinions and if your based your opinion on a work-in-progress rather than the final product, then your really looking from a narrow point of view. I believe that we should hold off judgment of a game until we actually put the game in the console and actually play the game, not based an opinion by hearsay from fanboys.
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