Well there is only one day till Christmas and I hope everyone has all of there presents wrapped, and ready to go, because I'm about as ready as you could ever think I could be.
I do have something a little disappointing to say though and that is when I was out shopping and U bought a Snow globe, for my mom (since she likes those so much), I slipped and fell and the Snow globe broke and then I had notice that I had slipped on some ice, so I go back into the Store and asked if I could Exchange it for same one and they said yes, and then when I had gotten back up to the front of the line I then met this very nice girl, and we had alot in common, like she had a White matter mass in her Right front lobe, and so do I and She had been suffering from Epilepsy just like me now I know that is very odd to say this but I may ask her out sometime, but I don't know, but back to what I was talking about first, she had done an even Exchange and I got the 2nd snowglobe home safe and sound, and it is already wrapped and everything. :):):)
But other then that and no I didn't fill out a report that I had slipped, so that was really it from what happened last night and today, I'm just going to go to Candle light service, at the Akron Baptist Temple, and then come home and stay home until Tomorrow.
And since I have nothing else to talk about Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good day and nighjt. :P:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):D:D:D:D