Well it has been a while since I last blogged, so what shall it be about today, well I think it will most likely be about stuff, that has happen in the last few days.
And it will all start off with the 2009 WWE Royal Rumble, it was a nice PPV, I liked it alot, lets start off with the first match and go from there.
ECW Championship Match
Matt Hardy Vs. Jack Swagger(C)
Winner of the Match Via the Gutwrench Powerbomb, and Still ECW Champion Jack Swagger,
I think this match was really good, Swagger looked like he knew what he was doing, and beat Matt in a matter of minutes.
WWE Women's Championship Match
Melina Vs. Beth Phoenix (C)
Winner of the Match Via the Rollup pinfall, and NEW WWE Women's Champion Melina.
Melina fought really hard and beat Beth without Santino Coming to help her.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship
JBL /w HBK VS. John Cena (C)
Winner of the Match, Via the FU, and Still WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena.
HBK did get involed after the Referee got knocked out, and HBK gave Sweet Chin Music, to JBL then John Cena and then HBK put JBL on top of Cena for the Pin and then another Referee, came down, but Cena kicked out, then then finish.
WWE Championship Match.
Edge Vs. Jeff Hardy (C)
Winner of the Match, Via Matt Hardy hitting Jeff with a Chair, and then Edge pinning Jeff, and NEW WWE Champion Edge,
Matt Hardy Vs. Jeff Hardy will most likely happen at Wrestlemania 25.
Royal Rumble
1st two Rey Mysterio, and John Morrison,
Notiable Entrants, RVD At #25, Randy Orton AT #8, and Triple H at #7.
Last two in Triple H and Randy Orton.
Winner of the Match Randy Orton.
Other Notes, Santino beat the Warlords old Record of :02 Seconds, with a time of :01 Second.
And now on to other stuff, Tommarrow will be the start of the Second Half of the NHL Season, and next Tuseday it will be the St.Louis Blues At the Cloumbus Blue Jackets on Versus, at 7:00 Pm.