If you have read my blog before this one then you will pretty much understand where I'm coming from.
Well I think there is going to be a lot of great stuff going on soon, and one of those things are that, TNA iMPACT Sucks,the NHLStanleyCup Playoffs are going greatother thenfor the fact that, theColumbus Blue Jackets are out, that still makes me sad, but I know this much that they can do it and they will do it again.
I'm really getting into Wrestling again like I was never out of the loop, but for a while there I was really thinking of beingout of the Loop, But also I hope to get some more stuff soon like the top thing that is on my list is the new game coming out in 11 days, Punch Out Wii, and talking about the Nintendo Wii, I have been playing it more and more, I think it was just the fact that it was cold and sad and that made me feel that same way, But also I have had my Wii for a good two years, now and am really happy that I have had no real problems with it.
But also last night was alot of Fun because the Cavaliers, are going to win another series against the Hawks, that do have alot more talent but, oncethis gets to the Conference Finals and Cleveland has to play Boston or Orlando, then it will get interesting and maybe the Cavs will actually have some competition.
But other then that, I'm just trying to enjoy life to the Fullest, I did Plant my Watermelon Seed and Pepper Seeds yesterday, and I can finally be happy about something other then Sports, or Wrestling or Video Games.
And finally I hope everyone has a very nice week, I'm really trying to keep up and maybe soon I can try and make a new Union. :)
This has been wwe4ever_in05 with Bloganomics 2, later :):):):):):):)