Well tHe main reason why I'm Blogging right now is 'cause I can't play my PS3 (Updates)and I have nothing else to do, plusI have like the second part says, A Hell of a Headache, so lets begin.
I really wish the PS3 could Update when you are not doing anything else with it like when it's been off for like a Hour or so, then it would check for Updates and then it would update, what is this 1999, or 2010, and the last time I checked it was 2010, not 1999.
So there is that and then there is also the fact that I have this Headache that just won't go away, I've been taking Advil 800 MG and I still; can't kick it, and since I'm still taking the Anti-SeizureMedicine I can't take Excedrin Migraine because it has caffeine in it so the only this is there to do is Blog and Hope more people comment, I'm really trying butI guess that won't happen either.
So I was checking to see if it was in one spot more then the other, it starts in the Back of the Right side ofmy neck, and then it goes it the Back part of the right side of my head, and into my Right eye, I noticed that it was really tight on my Right side of my neck so I then put an Icepack on it that kept it clam for the rest of last nght, but it's back, I'm thinking of puttinga heating pad on it soon, and see it that works.
I think I'm going to do that right now and also my update is almost done.
So I'll Blog ya all later. :D