Well it finally happened,Browws won Vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, I love this so much, I think Cribbs isright that this was all the Browns Fans Christmas Present I lovewhen the Brownsbeatthe Steelers, and ruin their Playoff hopes, It may of been a ugly game, but they won, So with that I'm one of the happiest NFL Fans ever.
While even though the Browns Won the Blue Jackets lost to Nashville in a Heart Breaking Shootout, and the Cavs have been falling on hard times, but the Ohio State Buckeye will be facing the Oregon Ducks at the Rose Bowl.
I also am hopingfor a nice and happy Christmas, and with WWE TLC this weekend it will really be a great PPV, I like to see what WWE does with Shemus after he loses to Cena in the Tables match, andsamegoesfor the ECW Championship match with Christian and Shelton Benjamin in their Ladder match, so I think I'm not going to get the PPV, BUT I will be watching and seeing who won each match on WWEv's Union board, I like to get it, but I don't think so, and lastly about the TLC PPV, I like to see DX Win but they won't, but I will not be putting my predictions up on here in this Blog.
But on to other newsTHedamn winds are still blowing heavily, but I'm almost done with Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 for the PS3, anbd then I'm going to then get back to playing, NHL 10.
But other then that I really can't think of too much else to say/type.:P
But I will be doing another blog soon enough, and I hope everyone enjoys my Review of SD Vs. Raw 2010.
But other then that I hope evey one enjoys their weekend.
Have and Nice a Safe Blogging Day. :P:)