Well I got my new Mattress on Friday night right before Smackdown, but I did have a little problem with the C Clamp it was broken after we took off the old Mattress and Box Spring, but any way that is all fixed, and ready togo and I have been sleeping so very well lately.
But that was one thing that I got this weekend, and then yes as you can see on my profile under Games Now Playing and/or Collections it is Wii Sports Resort, this game is really alot of fun as of right now I'm thinking of rating it as a 9.0 to a 8.0, but I'm not fully sure the game that I've been playing alot is B-Ball, and I will say this that Dogfighting is in the game but it's like Air combat Dogfighting, not the Dogfighting that I thought everyone was talking all about, but B-Ball is really alot of fun I have played this game twice so far and I do believe that this is alot better then the first, But I also have played, Bowling and 100 pin Pin Bowling, and then there is Disk Dog, which is fun, and you have to be very precise, with your throws, so other then that I haven't tried them all, andalsoIcan't Play it for too long because of my shoulder starts to hurts alot, and I also don't want to burn myself out.
But finally I must announce that I'm got to 4000 post. :D