WWE does better then TNA and WWE didn't even try that hard, I mean Criss Angelwas ok, but TNA really tried but they didn't do that well, TNA still and will always suck, I liked seeing RVD, but WWEjust is too good right now and this is coming from someone who really is still thinking about if he'sstill going to watch Wrestling for a little while longer.
But I just want to see what WWE is going to do with Stone Cold next week I hope WWE has Austin make the Fans stop saying "WHAT" all the time, it's really, really getting old.
I also must say Wrestlemania 26 is going to be great this year, I like alot of the card and I will be making my predictions, for that PPV, I think WWE will be going all out, and I still think there is going to be a few more matches added to this years card, like Punk Vs. Mysterio, and Orton Vs. DiBiase.
I hope everyone has a nice Blogging Day. :)