THis blog will mostly be about LittleBigPlanet, and LittleBigPlanet 2, but also I will be talking about other things like what I have been doinbg here which that is easy to answer right now, which is nothing, but also I'm going to try harder with that.:)
But now on to LBP 1, I haven't finished the story part and that means I have gotten the Platinum, on it so hopefully I can do this but also It's the GOTY LBP, so I have to get the other ones there too, :? I hope to get some morepeople toplay this onesoon before the everyone get LBP 2.
Also I'm going to be getting LBP 2 in two days, but I hope to get it. :)
Other then that I think I'm doing ok, I'm feeling depressed with myself, but other then that I'm ok.
I hope everyone is doing ok, :)
Hope to here from some of you. :)