I finally did what the Topic says I leveled up, to 38, DJ Boy, and am so very happy that I had decided to stick with Gamespot, But any way I will also say that thing should be changing the next few Days, Like for one Tomorrow, I will finally have my last Dentist Appointment, with the Filling (Or how ever you should Spell it), But also I'm going to try and Update my Banner it is getting kind-of old, and I wouldn't mind seeing a few Suggestions.
But other then that I think that is really it, I hope everyone likes the new Pic of Brak that I will be Posting right after I'm finished with this.
So other then that I hope everyone has a nice 4th of July, and I may or may-not post that day but if I do then I will talk to you then But until then I hope everyone has a nice 4th.
This has been wwe4ever_in05, reporting.