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log'B is Blog

Welp, I know no one really understand the Topic Title but do we really have too, but to tell you honestly it's Pig Latin.

I think I'm just wanting more people to say stuff to me about my blogs.

But on to what I'm going to talk about in this Blog.

I think this week, compared to last weekend, is kind'of boring , but I guess it because of no WWE Summerslam, or if you want to be funny Summerfest. :P

But I guess it going to be a sad beginning to this coming week and then the rest will be better, it is my fault but I hope Raw will make my pain stop, because I'm finally going to have my final Dentistfilling:(, and then I'm hopefully done for a long, long time,:)

I think I'm hoping and thinkg of the Dentist too much, it's really just the Numbing and the Drilling and then the Filling is easy, 'cause I like seeing the Lady that dose my Fillings, she has such pretty browneyes. :)

But I hope everything goes well for me.

But now on to oither stuff, I hope the Rockies can win the series Vs. the Giants, along with everyone else.

But other then thyat I will Blog after my Dentist Appt. :|