It means, that the Basketball Season has started, but I'm still looking forward to watch Hockey Too, but with me up here in Northeast Ohio, and everything, I will see the Cavs more then the Jackets, but now on to what I have been up to.
I haven't been up to much lately, but I will say that yhis being sick thing is starting to get on my nerves, I syill havEar pain but it's now in myRight one now, but I guess that is really it I can't think of any thing else, that I could need to say other then, that I will be playing SD Vs. Raw 2010 for the rest of the Year or until I just get boared of it.
But I hope everyone is doing ok, and I also Hope for the best for everyone this Month, and the rest of the year.
Peace out, and have a blogging day. :P:):):D:D